câu 1 People buy me to eat, but never eat me. What am I?
câu 2 Suproliglicatiouspenuvaliancia – how do you spell it?
câu 3 I am a word. If you pronounce me rightly, it will be wrong. If you pronounce me wrong it is right? What word am I?
câu 4 What AM I?
I am pronounced as a one letter alphabet!
I am written with three letters
I am complete with just two letters
I am double
I am blue I am black I am brown I am gray I am yellow and I am green
I can read from both ends
I appear the same every way!
What am I?
1. Fork, spoon 2. Sue - pro - lig - lie - ca - shers - pen - noo - val - lian - shia 3. It is the word wrong 4. I am an eye I am pronounced as letter I I am written with 3 letters : e - y - e I am complete with e and y I am double with an e and half of the y I am blue, black, brown, gray, yellow and green I can read from both ends and I appear the same every way