
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

Quoc Tran Anh Le
Giáo viên
9 tháng 10 2023

A: What subjects do you find the easiest?

(Môn học nào bạn thấy dễ nhất?)

B: I think English is the easiest.

(Tôi nghĩ tiếng Anh dễ nhất.)

A: What do you find the most difficult?

(Môn học nào bạn thấy khó nhất?)

B: I think Biology is the most difficult.

(Tôi nghĩ Sinh học khó nhất.)

Hà Quang Minh
Giáo viên
12 tháng 10 2023

A: Which piece of information ïn the text do you think is the most interesting?

(Bạn nghĩ thông tin nào trong văn bản là thú vị nhất?)

B: In my oppinion the piece of information " In 2020, there was a global problem and they moved the games to 2021" is the most interesting. As we know, the global problem in 2020 is the pandemic covid 19. It postponed all the important events in the world. Therefore, they had to change the time of holding the Olympic to the year 2021.

(Theo ý kiến của tôi, thông tin "Vào năm 2020, có một vấn đề toàn cầu và họ đã chuyển thế vận hội sang năm 2021" là thú vị nhất. Như chúng ta đã biết, vấn đề toàn cầu vào năm 2020 là đại dịch cúm 19. Nó đã trì hoãn tất cả các sự kiện quan trọng trên thế giới. Vì vậy, họ đã phải đổi thời điểm tổ chức Olympic sang năm 2021.)

 A: What sports do you like watching in the Olympics?

(Bạn thích xem môn thể thao nào tại thế vận hội Olympic?)

B: From my point of view, artistic swimming is one of the most interesting sports in the Olympics. I like it because I can watch eye-catching performances, which are delivered by talented athletics.

(Theo tôi thì môn bơi nghệ thuật là một trong những môn thể thao thú vị nhất thế vận hội Olympics. Tôi thích nó bởi vì tôi được xem những màn biểu diễn rất  mãn nhãn, được thực hiện bởi những vận động viên đầy tài năng.)

11 tháng 9 2023

A: What do you think you would like most about staying in the Yên Vân Eco Park?

(Bạn nghĩ bạn thích điều gì nhất khi ở tại Yên Vân Eco Park?)

B: Well, I think I would like about staying in private bungalows from bamboo with its own saltwater swimming pool, a king-sized double bed, a view of the beach, restaurants serving delicious Vietnamese food, listening to the birdsong in the nearby forest, and boat trips around the island.

(Chà, tôi nghĩ tôi muốn ở trong những ngôi nhà gỗ riêng tư bằng tre có hồ bơi nước mặn riêng, giường đôi cỡ lớn, tầm nhìn ra bãi biển, nhà hàng phục vụ các món ăn ngon của Việt Nam, lắng nghe tiếng chim hót trong khu rừng gần đó, và các chuyến đi thuyền quanh đảo.)

A: Is there anything you dislike about it?

(Có điều gì bạn không thích về nó không?)

B: No, I like everything there. 

(Không, tôi thích mọi thứ ở đó.)

23 tháng 11 2018

Đáp án: B

Giải thích: câu gián tiếp dạng câu hỏi

Dịch: Mẹ hỏi tôi môn học tôi thấy khó nhất

6 tháng 11 2023


A: Which ethnic groups are you in contact with most often?

(Những nhóm dân tộc nào bạn tiếp xúc thường xuyên nhất?)

B:  The ethnic group I am in contact with most often is Kinh because I was born in city and most of them live here, too.

(Nhóm dân tộc mà tôi tiếp xúc thường xuyên nhất là người Kinh vì tôi sinh ra ở thành phố và hầu hết họ cũng sống ở đây.)

A: Can you tell me what is most special about them?

(Bạn có thể cho tôi biết điều gì đặc biệt nhất về họ không?)

B:  The Kinh uses the official language of Vietnam, Vietnamese, as the main language. In Vietnamese society, the Kinh have played a vital part in Vietnamese culture and tradition as well as developing the economy.

(Người Kinh sử dụng ngôn ngữ chính thức của Việt Nam là tiếng Việt làm ngôn ngữ chính. Trong xã hội Việt Nam, người Kinh đã đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong văn hóa và truyền thống Việt Nam cũng như phát triển nền kinh tế.)


A: How are weddings held in your family?

(Đám cưới được tổ chức trong gia đình bạn như thế nào?)

B: The groom’s family and the bride’s family will meet each other to choose the best day for them to celebrate their wedding party. On the wedding day, the groom’s family and relatives go to the bride’s house bringing a lot of gifts wrapped in red papers. Ladies and women are all dressed in Ao Dai. Men could be in their suits or men traditional Ao Dai. The couple should pray before the altar ask their ancestors for permission for their marriage, then express their gratitude to both groom and bride’s parents for raising and protecting them.

(Nhà trai và nhà gái sẽ gặp nhau để chọn ngày tốt nhất để tổ chức tiệc cưới. Trong ngày cưới, nhà trai và họ hàng sang nhà gái mang theo rất nhiều lễ vật được gói trong giấy đỏ. Các bà các cô xúng xính áo dài. Nam giới có thể mặc vest hoặc áo dài nam truyền thống. Trước bàn thờ, đôi uyên ương nên khấn trước bàn thờ xin phép tổ tiên, sau đó bày tỏ lòng biết ơn đối với cha mẹ cô dâu và chú rể đã nuôi nấng, che chở.)

A: What customs do you find the most meaningful?

(Phong tục nào bạn thấy ý nghĩa nhất?)

B: I like the moment when they bow their heads to each other to show their gratitude and respect toward their soon-to-be husband or wife. I also like the moment when their parents take turns to share their experience and give blessings. For me, it’s extremely meaningful.

(Tôi thích khoảnh khắc họ cúi đầu chào nhau để bày tỏ lòng biết ơn và sự kính trọng đối với người chồng người vợ sắp cưới của mình. Tôi cũng thích khoảnh khắc khi cha mẹ của họ thay phiên nhau chia sẻ kinh nghiệm của họ và ban phước lành. Đối với tôi, nó vô cùng ý nghĩa.)

I find learning math the most difficult

dạ các bạn chuyên môn anh hãy chỉ mình vs ạ1. What time do you often ________ ?a. get up b. turn up c.look up d. get out2. We must ________ the information to fill in the forma. get out b. find out                 c. find down d. find up3.My favourite writer has _______ another best sellera. bring out         b. brought up             c. brought out d. brought in4. We invited her to go out for dinner, but she ________a. turn down        b. turn up                  c. turned down d....
Đọc tiếp

dạ các bạn chuyên môn anh hãy chỉ mình vs ạ

1. What time do you often ________ ?
a. get up b. turn up c.look up d. get out
2. We must ________ the information to fill in the form
a. get out b. find out                 c. find down d. find up
3.My favourite writer has _______ another best seller
a. bring out         b. brought up             c. brought out d. brought in
4. We invited her to go out for dinner, but she ________
a. turn down        b. turn up                  c. turned down d. turned on
5. When I turn up, the town hall was already ______ of teenagers
a. full                   b.packed                   c.crowded d. jamed
6. She turned _______ the new job in a big city in spite of the high salary

a.on b.down c.off d. up
7. After using, you should ______ the computer
a. turned off b.switched on c. liiked for d. put off
8. Has Peter arrived yet ? – No, but I’m sure he _______ up soon
a. will turn b. has turned c. turns d. turned
9. My grandmother hasn’t ______ over the death of my grandfather
a. get b. got c. getted d. getting

10.Remember to _______ out how many people are coming to the party

a.go b. turn c. find d. look
11. You are going too fast so I can’t _________ up with you
a. keep b. take c. go d. come
12. The car _________ down on my way home last night
a. break b. broke c. broken d. to break
13.My father used to smoke too much but now he has ______ up
a.given b. give c. to give d. giving
14.I enjoyed living in Lodon , but it didn’t really _______ up to my expectation

a. living b. lived c. live d. to live

15.Please, _______ on what you are doing !
a. go b. turn c. get d. take
16. We don’t remember exactly when our parents started this workshop
a. set on b. set up c. set out d. to set
17.We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can stay equal with theirs

a. keep up with b.keep on with c. live up with d. live on
18. I want to watch the news so I ______ the TV
a. turn up b. turn off c. turn on d. turn of
19.What time will you begin your journey to Da Lat?
a.set off b. get up c. keep up with d. come
20.We arranged to meet in front of the cinema but they didn’t arrive
a. find out b. turn up c. go on d. switch off
21. The artisans in my village can earn enough money from sweater knitting to live

a.live on b. live up to c. live with d. live at

22.They have to________ the museum because it’s no longer a place of interest.

a.close down b. set off c.set up d. look forward to

23.Do you think we can ________selling silk scarves as souvenirs?
a.live on b. go on c. live up d. get up

24.They are going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Viet Nam

a. bring to b. bring out c. bring up d. bring on
25.I’m thinking with pleasure about the weekend

a. looking forward to b. excited c. fond of d. keen on

26.You have to read the instruction before making models
a. look up b, look through c. look for d. look up

27. Who will take care of the baby when you go on bussiness?

a. look after b. look up c. look for d. look through
28. What time did you come ________ from the trip last night?
a. out b. back c. to d. over
29. We must _____the reality that our handicrafts are in competition with those of other villagers.

a. face up to b. get on with c.turn down d.come back

30.The craft of basket weaving is usually ______ from generation to generation.

a.passed down b. deal with c. closed down d. bring out
31.The city has recently set _____ a new library in the West Suburb
a.off b. up c. out d. on
32.You should _______ the shoes when coming into the Japanese houses
a. take off b. put on c. get off d. take on
33.We were shown ______ the town by a student
a.up b.on c. around d. off
34.The town council decided to pull ______ the building because it was unsafe

a.down b. over c. up d. with
35. Their children have all grown ________ and left home for the city to work

a. on b.up c. out d. with
36. I often use a dictionary to look _______ the meaning of new words
a. up b. for c. after d. on
37.One you have finish reading, you can go on with your work
a. continue doing b.continue to do c. keep do d. keep to do

38.The doctor wanted to examine the test results with her patient
a. go over b. up c. go on d. go out
39. The local meeting is on this weekend. Please put it down in your diary

a. make a note b. made a note c. have made a note d. to make a note

40. You don’t need the light on in here. Press the switch, please!

a. turn on b. turn down c. turn off d. turn up

41.My grandfather has recovered from the illness
a. get over b. got over c. to get over d. getting over

42. She spent her chilhood in a small village in the south

a. grew up b. grow up c. grown up d. to grow up

43. We are really expecting to see you again pleasure.

a. looking forward to b. look up c. look for d. look after
44. I’ve ______ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table

a. found out b. closed down c. looked through d. lived on

45.Do you know who’s _______ his pottery workshop?

a. taking over b. bringing out c. assing down d. turning down
46. This sports centre is so small that it cannot ______ the demands of local residents

a. face up to b. keep up with c.deal about d. set up
47.After I find all the information I needed, I _____ the computer
a. turned off b. switched on c.looked for d. put off 

19 tháng 5 2021

1. What time do you often ________ ?
a. get up b. turn up c.look up d. get out
2. We must ________ the information to fill in the form
a. get out b. find out                 c. find down d. find up
3.My favourite writer has _______ another best seller
a. bring out         b. brought up             c. brought out d. brought in
4. We invited her to go out for dinner, but she ________
a. turn down        b. turn up                  c. turned down d. turned on
5. When I turn up, the town hall was already ______ of teenagers
a. full                   b.packed                   c.crowded d. jamed
6. She turned _______ the new job in a big city in spite of the high salary

a.on b.down c.off d. up
7. After using, you should ______ the computer
a. turned off b.switched on c. liiked for d. put off
8. Has Peter arrived yet ? – No, but I’m sure he _______ up soon
a. will turn b. has turned c. turns d. turned
9. My grandmother hasn’t ______ over the death of my grandfather
a. get b. got c. getted d. getting

10.Remember to _______ out how many people are coming to the party

a.go b. turn c. find d. look
11. You are going too fast so I can’t _________ up with you
a. keep b. take c. go d. come
12. The car _________ down on my way home last night
a. break b. broke c. broken d. to break
13.My father used to smoke too much but now he has ______ up
a.given b. give c. to give d. giving
14.I enjoyed living in Lodon , but it didn’t really _______ up to my expectation

a. living b. lived c. live d. to live

15.Please, _______ on what you are doing !
a. go b. turn c. get d. take
16. We don’t remember exactly when our parents started this workshop
a. set on b. set up c. set out d. to set
17.We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can stay equal with theirs

a. keep up with b.keep on with c. live up with d. live on
18. I want to watch the news so I ______ the TV
a. turn up b. turn off c. turn on d. turn of
19.What time will you begin your journey to Da Lat?
a.set off b. get up c. keep up with d. come
20.We arranged to meet in front of the cinema but they didn’t arrive
a. find out b. turn up c. go on d. switch off

19 tháng 5 2021

21. The artisans in my village can earn enough money from sweater knitting to live

a.live on b. live up to c. live with d. live at

22.They have to________ the museum because it’s no longer a place of interest.

a.close down b. set off c.set up d. look forward to

23.Do you think we can ________selling silk scarves as souvenirs?
a.live on b. go on c. live up d. get up

24.They are going to publish a guidebook to different beauty spots in Viet Nam

a. bring to b. bring out c. bring up d. bring on
25.I’m thinking with pleasure about the weekend

a. looking forward to b. excited c. fond of d. keen on

26.You have to read the instruction before making models
a. look up b, look through c. look for d. look up

27. Who will take care of the baby when you go on bussiness?

a. look after b. look up c. look for d. look through
28. What time did you come ________ from the trip last night?
a. out b. back c. to d. over
29. We must _____the reality that our handicrafts are in competition with those of other villagers.

a. face up to b. get on with c.turn down d.come back

30.The craft of basket weaving is usually ______ from generation to generation.

a.passed down b. deal with c. closed down d. bring out
31.The city has recently set _____ a new library in the West Suburb
a.off b. up c. out d. on
32.You should _______ the shoes when coming into the Japanese houses
a. take off b. put on c. get off d. take on
33.We were shown ______ the town by a student
a.up b.on c. around d. off
34.The town council decided to pull ______ the building because it was unsafe

a.down b. over c. up d. with
35. Their children have all grown ________ and left home for the city to work

a. on b.up c. out d. with
36. I often use a dictionary to look _______ the meaning of new words
a. up b. for c. after d. on
37.One you have finish reading, you can go on with your work
a. continue doing b.continue to do c. keep do d. keep to do

38.The doctor wanted to examine the test results with her patient
a. go over b. up c. go on d. go out
39. The local meeting is on this weekend. Please put it down in your diary

a. make a note b. made a note c. have made a note d. to make a note

40. You don’t need the light on in here. Press the switch, please!

a. turn on b. turn down c. turn off d. turn up

41.My grandfather has recovered from the illness
a. get over b. got over c. to get over d. getting over

42. She spent her chilhood in a small village in the south

a. grew up b. grow up c. grown up d. to grow up

43. We are really expecting to see you again pleasure.

a. looking forward to b. look up c. look for d. look after
44. I’ve ______ the product catalogue and decided to buy this table

a. found out b. closed down c. looked through d. lived on

45.Do you know who’s _______ his pottery workshop?

a. taking over b. bringing out c. assing down d. turning down
46. This sports centre is so small that it cannot ______ the demands of local residents

a. face up to b. keep up with c.deal about d. set up
47.After I find all the information I needed, I _____ the computer
a. turned off b. switched on c.looked for d. put off 

18 tháng 11 2021

1) Miss Lan asked “ What subject do you find the most difficult ? “

..............Miss Lan asked me what subject I found the most difficult...............................................................................................................

2) Mr The asked me “ Do you speak any other languges ? “

...........Mr The asked me if I spoke any other languages..................................................................................................................

3 ) My teacher asked us “ Open the windows , please”

..........My teacher asked us to open the windows...................................................................................................................

4 ) He said “ My wife wants a new job”

...............He said his wife wanted a new job..............................................................................................................

5) He said to me “ You must stay at home now .”

............He told me I had to stay at home then.................................................................................................................

9 tháng 9 2023

The thing I find most interesting about chau van singing is its costumes. The clothes, hats and belts somehow make me have goosebumps every time I look at them. Besides, the costumes of chau van are so unique that they become a signature of our Vietnamese culture.

(Điều tôi thấy thú vị nhất ở hát chầu văn là trang phục. Quần áo, mũ và thắt lưng không hiểu sao mỗi lần nhìn vào đều khiến tôi nổi da gà. Bên cạnh đó, những bộ trang phục của chầu văn rất độc đáo đến mức trở thành dấu ấn của văn hóa Việt Nam chúng ta.)

31 tháng 8 2021

17. “What television program do you like best?” She asked me.

® She asked me what television program I liked best.

18. “What aspect of learning English do the students find most difficult?” The teacher asked me.

® The teacher asked me what aspect of learning English the students found most difficult.

19. “Where can you buy the new cartoon?” Lan asked Thu.

® Lan asked Thu where she could buy the new cartoon.

20. “When will your father leave Vietnam for the USA?” Phong asked Lan.

® Phong asked Lan when her father left Vietnam for the USA.