
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

10 tháng 11 2023

1. D

2. C

1 Be careful when you choose a leisure activity because some activities take up a lot of time or effort. Then they find that it doesn't interest them as much as they thought it would. Find out what an activity needs before. you begin, and you won't have wasted your time.

(Hãy cẩn thận khi bạn chọn một hoạt động giải trí vì một số hoạt động chiếm nhiều thời gian hoặc công sức. Sau đó, họ thấy rằng nó không khiến họ quan tâm nhiều như họ nghĩ. Tìm hiểu những gì một hoạt động cần trước. bạn bắt đầu, và bạn sẽ không lãng phí thời gian của mình.)

2 If you think you have hurt yourself while exercising, stop immediately. Too many people try to continue, despite the pain. As a result, they end up with worse injuries, so it takes them much longer to get better.

(Nếu bạn nghĩ rằng bạn đã làm tổn thương chính mình khi tập thể dục, hãy dừng lại ngay lập tức. Quá nhiều người cố gắng tiếp tục, bất chấp nỗi đau. Kết quả là họ bị thương nặng hơn, vì vậy họ phải mất nhiều thời gian hơn để hồi phục.)

Part 3: A. You are going to read an article about learning from mistakes. Four sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-D the one which fits each gap (1-4). ( 4 points)A. Learn to talk about your mistakes, at work and at home.B. They fail to see them as part of the learning process.C. Then they restart the computer and experiment again. D. People who achieve great success then have more to lose when things go wrong.LEARNING FROM MISTAKESHave you ever noticed how...
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Part 3: A. You are going to read an article about learning from mistakes. Four sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-D the one which fits each gap (1-4). ( 4 points)

A. Learn to talk about your mistakes, at work and at home.

B. They fail to see them as part of the learning process.

C. Then they restart the computer and experiment again. 

D. People who achieve great success then have more to lose when things go wrong.


Have you ever noticed how children are always making mistakes? They do it all the time, and it doesn’t seem to bother them. You don’t learn to walk without falling over. You don’t learn to speak without mispronouncing lots of words. You don’t learn to juggle without dropping balls. But if you create an environment where mistakes are not accepted, then people become frightened of them.(1)......... In these kinds of environment people learn to hide their mistakes, and not to celebrate them as a good thing. If you’re not making mistakes then you’re not learning anything valuable. 

Do you remember the first time you touched a computer? You didn’t want people to watch you as you started to touch the keys. You worried that if you touched the wrong button, you would delete all the important files. Children aren’t like that. They experiment with all the buttons, just to see what will happen. (2)......... And they are learning from every move they make. 
        The fear of success comes later, and we can see this often in successful professionals and leaders. (3).......... So they start to worry, and decide not to take risks. Don’t let this happen to you. (4)........... See what opportunities can arise from you the mistakes you make, and soon you’ll feel happier about yourself.


B. Find words or expressions in the text which mean: (6 points)

1. fall on the ground                                                                        ...................................................

2. say something with the wrong pronunciation                         ...................................................

3. throw and catch three or more balls together              ...................................................

4. the buttons on a computer                                              ...................................................

5. do things that could cause problems                            ...................................................

6. possibilities for things you can do                                ...................................................

5 tháng 9 2021

Part 3: A. You are going to read an article about learning from mistakes. Four sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-D the one which fits each gap (1-4). ( 4 points)


Have you ever noticed how children are always making mistakes? They do it all the time, and it doesn’t seem to bother them. You don’t learn to walk without falling over. You don’t learn to speak without mispronouncing lots of words. You don’t learn to juggle without dropping balls. But if you create an environment where mistakes are not accepted, then people become frightened of them.(1)....They fail to see them as part of the learning process...... In these kinds of environment, people learn to hide their mistakes, and not to celebrate them as a good thing. If you’re not making mistakes then you’re not learning anything valuable. 

Do you remember the first time you touched a computer? You didn’t want people to watch you as you started to touch the keys. You worried that if you touched the wrong button, you would delete all the important files. Children aren’t like that. They experiment with all the buttons, just to see what will happen. (2)...Then they restart the computer and experiment again. ...... And they are learning from every move they make. 

        The fear of success comes later, and we can see this often in successful professionals and leaders. (3)......People who achieve great success then have more to lose when things go wrong..... So they start to worry, and decide not to take risks. Don’t let this happen to you. (4)......Learn to talk about your mistakes, at work and at home...... See what opportunities can arise from you the mistakes you make, and soon you’ll feel happier about yourself.

B. Find words or expressions in the text which mean: (6 points)

1. fall on the ground                                                                        ......................fall over (ngã).............................

2. say something with the wrong pronunciation                         ................................mispronouncing (đánh vần sai)...................

3. throw and catch three or more balls together              ................................juggle (tung hứng)...................

4. the buttons on a computer                                              ...........................keys (phím)........................

5. do things that could cause problems                            .......................take risks (mạo hiểm)............................

6. possibilities for things you can do                                ...................opportunities (cơ hội, khả năng)................................

5 tháng 9 2021

Bạn có bao giờ để ý rằng trẻ luôn mắc lỗi như thế nào không? Chúng làm điều đó mọi lúc, và điều đó dường như không làm phiền chúng. Bạn không học cách đi mà không bị ngã. Bạn không thể học nói nếu phát âm sai nhiều từ. Bạn không thể học cách tung hứng mà không làm rơi quả bóng. Nhưng nếu bạn tạo ra một môi trường mà những sai lầm không được chấp nhận, thì mọi người sẽ trở nên sợ hãi về chúng. (1) .... Họ không coi chúng là một phần của quá trình học tập ...... học cách che giấu những sai lầm của họ, và không tán dương chúng như một điều tốt. Nếu bạn không mắc sai lầm thì bạn không học được gì có giá trị.

Bạn có nhớ lần đầu tiên bạn chạm vào máy tính không? Bạn không muốn mọi người nhìn thấy mình khi bạn bắt đầu chạm vào các phím. Bạn lo lắng rằng nếu bạn chạm nhầm vào nút, bạn sẽ xóa tất cả các tập tin quan trọng. Trẻ em không như vậy. Họ thử nghiệm với tất cả các nút, chỉ để xem điều gì sẽ xảy ra. (2) ... Sau đó, họ khởi động lại máy tính và thử nghiệm lại. ...... Và họ đang học hỏi từ mọi hành động của họ.

Nỗi sợ thành công đến muộn hơn, và chúng ta có thể thấy điều này thường xuyên ở các chuyên gia và nhà lãnh đạo thành công. (3) ...... Những người đạt được thành công lớn sau đó sẽ mất nhiều hơn khi mọi thứ diễn ra không như ý muốn ..... Vì vậy, họ bắt đầu lo lắng và quyết định không chấp nhận rủi ro. Đừng để điều này xảy ra với bạn. (4) ...... Học cách nói về những sai lầm của bạn, ở nơi làm việc và ở nhà ...... Xem những cơ hội nào có thể nảy sinh từ những sai lầm bạn mắc phải và bạn sẽ sớm cảm thấy hạnh phúc hơn về bản thân.

1.1.   Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D fits each space.Do you want to be fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1) relaxed? Then try a few days at a health farm. Health farms are becoming of the most  popular places (3)  _ a short break. I went to Henley Manor for a weekend. It’s (4) largest health farm in the country but it isn’t the most expensive. After two days of exercise and massage  I (5) ten times better. But the best thing...
Đọc tiếp

1.1.   Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C, or D fits each space.

Do you want to be fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1) relaxed? Then try a few days at a health farm. Health farms are becoming of the most  popular places (3)  _ a short break. I went to Henley Manor for a weekend. It’s (4) largest health farm in the country but it isn’t the most expensive. After two days of exercise and massage  I (5) ten times better. But the best thing for me was the food. It was all very healthy of (6) , but it was expensive too!

If you’re looking for something a (7) cheaper, try a winter break. Winter is the darkest and the coldest (8 ) of the year, and it can also be the (9) time for your body. We all eat too (10) and we don‘t take enough exercise. A lot of health farms offer lower prices from Monday to Friday from November to March.

1.  A. like                 B. more                       C. less             D. similar

2.  A. once               B. first                         C. one              D. none

3.  A. with                B. of                            C. to                D. for

4.  A. the                  B. an                            C. a                  D. x

5.  A. feel                 B. felt                          C. fell              D. fall

6.  A. all                   B. out                          C. course         D. them

7.  A. little               B. few                         C. a little         D. a few

8.  A. period            B. moment                  C. time            D. part

9.  A. worst              B. good                       C. best             D. great

10.A. many             B. a lot                        C. lot of           D. much

14 tháng 5 2022

1.  A. like                 B. more                       C. less             D. similar

2.  A. once               B. first                         C. one              D. none

3.  A. with                B. of                            C. to                D. for

4.  A. the                  B. an                            C. a                  D. x

5.  A. feel                 B. felt                          C. fell              D. fall

6.  A. all                   B. out                          C. course         D. them

7.  A. little               B. few                         C. a little         D. a few

8.  A. period            B. moment                  C. time            D. part

9.  A. worst              B. good                       C. best             D. great


10.A. many             B. a lot                        C. lot of           D. much


14 tháng 5 2022

bài này của lớp mấy vậy bạn


Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.Do you want to be fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1) relaxed? Then try a few days at a health farm. Health farms are becoming (2) of the most popular places (3) a short break. I went to Henley Manor for a weekend. It’s (4) largest health farm in the country but it isn’t the most expensive. After two days of exercise and massage I (5) ten times better. But the best thing for...
Đọc tiếp

Read the following passage and choose the best option for each numbered blank.

Do you want to be fitter and healthier? Would you like to look younger? Do you want to feel (1) relaxed? Then try a few days at a health farm. Health farms are becoming (2) of the most popular places (3) a short break. I went to Henley Manor for a weekend. It’s (4) largest health farm in the country but it isn’t the most expensive. After two days of exercise and massage I (5) ten times better. But the best thing for me was the food. It was all very healthy of (6) , but it was expensive too!

If you’re looking for something a (7) cheaper, try a winter break. Winter is the darkest and the coldest (8) of the year, and it can also be the (9) time for your body. We all eat too (10) and we don't take enough exercise. A lot of health farms offer lower prices from Monday to Friday from November to March.

26. A. like B. more C. less D. Similar

27. A. once B. first C. one D. none

28. A. with B. of C. to D. for

29. A. the B. an C. a D. x

````30. A. feel B. felt C. fell D. fall

31. A. all B. out C. course D. them

32. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

33. A. period B. moment C. time D. part

34. A. worst B. good C. best D. great

35. A. many B. a lot C. lot of D. much

9 tháng 10 2021

1 B

2 C

3 C

4 A

5 B

6 C

7 A

8 A

9 A

10 D

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Learning The Basics of Essential Life SkillsLiving on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support...
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Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Learning The Basics of Essential Life Skills

Living on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support network. We need people to be there for us and to also be honest with us and tell us how we can improve ourselves. Preferably, this network will extend beyond family members and include at least one close friend that you trust. Ultimately, when you are living on your own, you might encounter many obstacles you have never thought of and you will want someone there to be supportive of you and to help you as you navigate a life of independence. Second, master your weaknesses. It is a good idea to try and be aware of your weaknesses. If possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest weaknesses. It Is also good to know your strengths, but it is your weaknesses that you need to work on. For instance, you might get very focused on playing video games for hours, maybe days at a time. While it is okay to play video games, playing them for days at a time when trying to live on your own can lead to you losing your job and also your house. So, it is important that you recognize your weaknesses and do your best to work with them. Next, learn to balance your schedule. It is important to learn how to do multiple things in a day. You need to be flexible and willing to schedule time for activities, work, and social engagements. Then, live a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise and try to eat healthy. You also have to maintain your hygiene or you might find yourself out of a job. Last but not least, follow your dreams and make them come true. Look through the newspapers and online and find that apartment or house that you desire to live in. Decide that you are going to move out and make it happen. Ultimately, living on your own is something that you have to make happen for yourself. So, decide that is what you want and don’t allow anything to deter you from your goal.

Question: The support network is very important because _______.

Awe don’t have any family member to trust or rely on

B. it helps us to improve ourselves and get over obstacles

C. we may think of obstacles and we want someone to be supportive of us

D. it can help us navigate a life of independence

26 tháng 4 2019

Đáp án: B

Mạng lưới hỗ trợ rất quan trọng vì _______.

A. chúng ta không có bất kỳ thành viên gia đình nào để tin tưởng hoặc dựa vào

B. nó giúp chúng ta cải thiện bản thân và vượt qua chướng ngại vật

C. chúng ta có thể nghĩ về chướng ngại vật và chúng ta muốn ai đó ủng hộ chúng ta

D. nó có thể giúp chúng ta điều hướng một cuộc sống độc lập

Thông tin: We need people to be there for us and to also be honest with us and tell us how we can improve ourselves.

=> The support network is very important because it helps us to improve ourselves and get over obstacles

Tạm dịch: Chúng ta cần mọi người ở đó với chúng ta và cũng thành thật  và cho chúng ta biết cách chúng ta có thể cải thiện bản thân mình.

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Learning The Basics of Essential Life SkillsLiving on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support...
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Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Learning The Basics of Essential Life Skills

Living on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support network. We need people to be there for us and to also be honest with us and tell us how we can improve ourselves. Preferably, this network will extend beyond family members and include at least one close friend that you trust. Ultimately, when you are living on your own, you might encounter many obstacles you have never thought of and you will want someone there to be supportive of you and to help you as you navigate a life of independence. Second, master your weaknesses. It is a good idea to try and be aware of your weaknesses. If possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest weaknesses. It Is also good to know your strengths, but it is your weaknesses that you need to work on. For instance, you might get very focused on playing video games for hours, maybe days at a time. While it is okay to play video games, playing them for days at a time when trying to live on your own can lead to you losing your job and also your house. So, it is important that you recognize your weaknesses and do your best to work with them. Next, learn to balance your schedule. It is important to learn how to do multiple things in a day. You need to be flexible and willing to schedule time for activities, work, and social engagements. Then, live a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise and try to eat healthy. You also have to maintain your hygiene or you might find yourself out of a job. Last but not least, follow your dreams and make them come true. Look through the newspapers and online and find that apartment or house that you desire to live in. Decide that you are going to move out and make it happen. Ultimately, living on your own is something that you have to make happen for yourself. So, decide that is what you want and don’t allow anything to deter you from your goal.

Question: All of the following are correct about mastering your weaknesses EXCEPT that _______.

Ayou should know both your strengths and weaknesses

B. being aware of your weaknesses helps you avoid big mistakes.

Cyour friends can’t recognize your weaknesses for you

Dyou should recognize your weaknesses and get rid of them

7 tháng 9 2017

Đáp án: C

Tất cả những điều sau đây là chính xác về việc nắm vững điểm yếu của bạn NGOẠI TRỪ rằng _______.

A. bạn nên biết cả điểm mạnh và điểm yếu của bạn

B. nhận thức được điểm yếu của bạn sẽ giúp bạn tránh được những sai lầm lớn.

C. bạn bè của bạn không thể nhận ra điểm yếu của bạn cho bạn

D. bạn nên nhận ra điểm yếu của bạn và loại bỏ chúng

Thông tin: If possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest weaknesses.

=> All of the following are correct about mastering your weaknesses EXCEPT that your friends can’t recognize your weaknesses for you

Tạm dịch: Nếu có thể, hãy để người bạn thân của bạn cho bạn biết những gì họ cảm thấy là điểm yếu lớn nhất của bạn.

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Learning The Basics of Essential Life SkillsLiving on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support...
Đọc tiếp

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Learning The Basics of Essential Life Skills

Living on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support network. We need people to be there for us and to also be honest with us and tell us how we can improve ourselves. Preferably, this network will extend beyond family members and include at least one close friend that you trust. Ultimately, when you are living on your own, you might encounter many obstacles you have never thought of and you will want someone there to be supportive of you and to help you as you navigate a life of independence. Second, master your weaknesses. It is a good idea to try and be aware of your weaknesses. If possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest weaknesses. It Is also good to know your strengths, but it is your weaknesses that you need to work on. For instance, you might get very focused on playing video games for hours, maybe days at a time. While it is okay to play video games, playing them for days at a time when trying to live on your own can lead to you losing your job and also your house. So, it is important that you recognize your weaknesses and do your best to work with them. Next, learn to balance your schedule. It is important to learn how to do multiple things in a day. You need to be flexible and willing to schedule time for activities, work, and social engagements. Then, live a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise and try to eat healthy. You also have to maintain your hygiene or you might find yourself out of a job. Last but not least, follow your dreams and make them come true. Look through the newspapers and online and find that apartment or house that you desire to live in. Decide that you are going to move out and make it happen. Ultimately, living on your own is something that you have to make happen for yourself. So, decide that is what you want and don’t allow anything to deter you from your goal.

Question: Learning to balance your schedule helps you _______.

Acomplete your tasks at work, home and in society

B. play video games for hours without worrying losing your job

Cbe flexible and willing to recognize your weaknesses

Dlearn how to do multiple things at work

10 tháng 9 2018

Đáp án: A

Học cách để cân bằng lịch trình của bạn sẽ giúp bạn ______.

A. hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của bạn tại nơi làm việc, nhà và trong xã hội

B. chơi trò chơi video hàng giờ mà không phải lo mất việc

C. linh hoạt và sẵn sàng nhận ra điểm yếu của bạn

D. tìm hiểu cách làm nhiều việc trong công việc

Thông tin: You need to be flexible and willing to schedule time for activities, work, and social engagements.

=> Learning to balance your schedule helps you complete your tasks at work, home and in society

Tạm dịch: Bạn cần phải linh hoạt và sẵn sàng lên lịch cho các hoạt động, công việc và cam kết xã hội.

Bài 4: Read about Colin. Then tick the sentences which are true. In each group of sentences at least one is true.Colin goes to work everyday. He leaves home at 8 o'clock and arrives at work at about 8.45. He starts work immediately and continues until 12.30 when he has lunch (which takes about half an hour). He starts work again at 1.15 and goes home at exactly 4.30. Every day he follows the same routine and tomorrow will be no exeption.At 7.45a, He'll be leaving the house b, He'll have left...
Đọc tiếp

Bài 4: Read about Colin. Then tick the sentences which are true. In each group of sentences at least one is true.

Colin goes to work everyday. He leaves home at 8 o'clock and arrives at work at about 8.45. He starts work immediately and continues until 12.30 when he has lunch (which takes about half an hour). He starts work again at 1.15 and goes home at exactly 4.30. Every day he follows the same routine and tomorrow will be no exeption.

At 7.45

a, He'll be leaving the house b, He'll have left the house

c, He'll be at home d, He'll be having breakfast

At 8.15

a, He'll be leaving the house b, He'll have left the house

c, He'll have arrived at work d, He'll be arriving at work

At 9.15

a, He'll be working b, He'll start work

c, He'll have started work d, He'll be arriving at work

At 12.45

a, He'll have lunch b, He'll be having lunch

c, He'll have finished his lunch d, He'll have started his lunch


At 4 o'clock

a, He'll have finished work b, He'll finish work

c, He'll be working d, He won't have finished work

At 4.45

a, He'll leave work b, He'll be leaving work

c, He'll have left work d, He'll have arrived home

22 tháng 9 2021

At 7.45

a, He'll be leaving the house b, He'll have left the house

c, He'll be at home d, He'll be having breakfast

At 8.15

a, He'll be leaving the house b, He'll have left the house

c, He'll have arrived at work d, He'll be arriving at work

At 9.15

a, He'll be working b, He'll start work

c, He'll have started work d, He'll be arriving at work

At 12.45

a, He'll have lunch b, He'll be having lunch

c, He'll have finished his lunch d, He'll have started his lunch


At 4 o'clock

a, He'll have finished work b, He'll finish work

c, He'll be working d, He won't have finished work

At 4.45

a, He'll leave work b, He'll be leaving work

c, He'll have left work d, He'll have arrived home

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question. Learning The Basics of Essential Life SkillsLiving on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support...
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Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

Learning The Basics of Essential Life Skills

Living on your own might be something that you dream of achieving some day, but at the same time, the thought can be scary. You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you. This guide will help prepare you for that transition so that some day you can live independently. First, create a support network. We need people to be there for us and to also be honest with us and tell us how we can improve ourselves. Preferably, this network will extend beyond family members and include at least one close friend that you trust. Ultimately, when you are living on your own, you might encounter many obstacles you have never thought of and you will want someone there to be supportive of you and to help you as you navigate a life of independence. Second, master your weaknesses. It is a good idea to try and be aware of your weaknesses. If possible, have your close friend tell you what they feel are your biggest weaknesses. It Is also good to know your strengths, but it is your weaknesses that you need to work on. For instance, you might get very focused on playing video games for hours, maybe days at a time. While it is okay to play video games, playing them for days at a time when trying to live on your own can lead to you losing your job and also your house. So, it is important that you recognize your weaknesses and do your best to work with them. Next, learn to balance your schedule. It is important to learn how to do multiple things in a day. You need to be flexible and willing to schedule time for activities, work, and social engagements. Then, live a healthy lifestyle. You should exercise and try to eat healthy. You also have to maintain your hygiene or you might find yourself out of a job. Last but not least, follow your dreams and make them come true. Look through the newspapers and online and find that apartment or house that you desire to live in. Decide that you are going to move out and make it happen. Ultimately, living on your own is something that you have to make happen for yourself. So, decide that is what you want and don’t allow anything to deter you from your goal.

 Question: In order to live independently, you should_____.

Adream of achieving some day

B. need someone to support you in case of emergency

C. get rid of the thinking that there is no one to support you.

D. have a job and the necessary life skills

17 tháng 4 2019

Đáp án: D

Để sống độc lập, bạn nên _______.

A. ước mơ một ngày nào đó đạt được điều đó

B. cần một ai đó để hỗ trợ bạn trong trường hợp khẩn cấp

C. Bỏ đi ý nghĩ rằng không ai giúp đỡ bạn


D. có một công việc và các kỹ năng sống cần thiết

Thông tin: You need an income, and then after that you need the survival skills to take care of yourself without anyone there to support you.

=> In order to live independently, you should have a job and the necessary life skills.

Tạm dịch: Bạn cần một thu nhập, và sau đó bạn cần các kỹ năng sinh tồn để tự chăm sóc bản thân mà không cần bất cứ ai ở đó để hỗ trợ bạn.

II/ Read the passage. Then write True or False for each of the sentences below. (1.5pt) In the UK we each use about two hundred steel food and drink cans every year. Steel cans are popular because they are convenient, easy to store and unbreakable. But when you have finished with a can what do you do with it? Do you throw it away and forget all about it? Probably! But behind the scenes there are people whose work is to make sure that the steel is never wasted. In fact, recycling or re-using...
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II/ Read the passage. Then write True or False for each of the sentences below. (1.5pt)

In the UK we each use about two hundred steel food and drink cans every year. Steel cans are popular because they are convenient, easy to store and unbreakable. But when you have finished with a can what do you do with it? Do you throw it away and forget all about it? Probably! But behind the scenes there are people whose work is to make sure that the steel is never wasted. In fact, recycling or re-using steel cans is so successful that every day of the year more than five million cans start new lives in new steel products.

After you have thrown away your can, what happens? Well, first of all it is collected by the men who empty your dustbin each week and take to a tip, together with all the other household rubbish. Then the rubbish is sorted and the steel cans are taken separately to a special factory which turns old cans into high quality steel. It’s this steel that may well find its way back into your home in the form of knives and folks, garden equipment and, of course, food and drink cans.

So next time you open your fizzy drink, just remember where your can may have been!

23. In the UK people use about two hundred steel food and drinks cans yearly.________

24. Every year there are more than five million cans starting new lives in new steel products_________

25.Cans are sorted and then they are taken to the factory for recycling.___________

26.The steel cans can only be recycled to make into garden household _________

27. The topic sentence of this passage is___________

A. recycle cansB. the recycling of cans C. how to recycle cans D. what is recycle cans

28. The nearest meaning of “its” in line 9 is____________

A. of the cans B. of the steel C. of the homes D. of the knives

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