
Hãy nhập câu hỏi của bạn vào đây, nếu là tài khoản VIP, bạn sẽ được ưu tiên trả lời.

8 tháng 11 2023

a. 've twisted

b. 've sprained

c. 've had; banged

d. tripped; hit

e. 've hurt; trapped

f. 've bruised

g. 've broken

25 tháng 11 2023

1 I had (have) a crash while I was learning (learn) to drive.

(Tôi bị tai nạn khi đang học lái xe.)

2 Sam got (get) his first job while he was living (live) in London.

(Sam có công việc đầu tiên khi anh ấy đang sống ở London.)

3 It rained (rain), so we decided (decide) to cancel the barbecue.

(Trời mưa nên chúng tôi quyết định hủy tiệc nướng.)

4 What were you doing (do) when I saw (see) you in town?

(Bạn đang làm gì khi tôi thấy bạn trong thị trấn?)

5 Emma didn't hear (not hear) the phone ringing because she was listening (listen) to music in her bedroom.

(Emma không nghe thấy tiếng chuông điện thoại vì cô ấy đang nghe nhạc trong phòng ngủ.)

6 Ryan broke (break) his arm while he was skiing (ski) in France.

(Ryan bị gãy tay khi đang trượt tuyết ở Pháp.)

7 Harry was working (work) as a chef when he met (meet) Sally.

(Harry đang làm đầu bếp thì gặp Sally.)

8 You obviously didn't listen (not listen) when I asked (ask) you to turn down the music.

(Rõ ràng là bạn đã không nghe khi tôi yêu cầu bạn vặn nhỏ nhạc.)

25 tháng 11 2023

1 Joe lived (live) in London between 2009 and 2012.

(Joe sống ở London từ năm 2009 đến 2012.)

2 'Emeli Sandé has just brought out (just/bring out) a new record. Have you heard it (you/hear) it yet?'

'Yes, I downloaded (download) it last night.'

('Emeli Sandé vừa mang về một bản ghi. Bạn đã nghe chưa?'

'Vâng, tôi đã tải nó tối qua.')

3 'Sorry I'm late! Have you been (you/be) here long?'

'No, I have just arrived (just/arrive).'

('Xin lỗi tôi tới trễ! Anh ở đây lâu chưa?”

'Không, tôi vừa mới đến.')

Have you ever visited (you/ever/visit) the USA?' 'Yes, I went (go) there last summer.’

(Bạn đã bao giờ đến thăm Hoa Kỳ chưa?' 'Vâng, tôi đã đến đó vào mùa hè năm ngoái.')

Did you eat (you/eat) before you left (leave) home?'

'Yes, I did

(Bạn đã ăn trước khi bạn rời khỏi nhà hả?'

'Vâng, tôi đã ăn.')

6 I have had (have) this MP3 player for a year.

(Tôi đã có máy nghe nhạc MP3 này được một năm.)

Read the Recycle! box. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Then listen again and check.  Dialogue 11 The ______________ (sympathetic) you are, the (good) you'll be at the job.2 I don't think idealism is ______________ (useful) as patience.3 These days they have to work ______________ and______________ (long) hours.Dialogue 24 I think that ______________ (important) quality is punctuality.5 You'll certainly be______________  (popular) if you can laugh at...
Đọc tiếp

Read the Recycle! box. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. Then listen again and check.


Dialogue 1

1 The ______________ (sympathetic) you are, the (good) you'll be at the job.

2 I don't think idealism is ______________ (useful) as patience.

3 These days they have to work ______________ and______________ (long) hours.

Dialogue 2

4 I think that ______________ (important) quality is punctuality.

5 You'll certainly be______________  (popular) if you can laugh at things.

Dialogue 3

6 I think patience is less ______________ (important) physical courage.

7 Which do you think is______________(useful) quality of the three?

RECYCLE! Comparison

a Key forms:

kinder- the kindest

more practical- the most practical

less sociable-the least sociable

(not) as intelligent as

b We use double comparatives to say that something is changing.

You're getting more and more impatient!

c We use the... the and comparatives to say that one thing changes with another.

The more arrogant you are, the less popular you'll be.

18 tháng 11 2023

Dialogue 1

1 The more sympathetic (sympathetic) you are, the better (good) you'll be at the job.

(Bạn càng thông cảm, bạn càng làm tốt công việc.)

2 I don't think idealism is as useful (useful) as patience.

(Tôi không nghĩ sự lý tưởng hữu ích bằng sự kiên nhẫn.)

3 These days they have to work longer and longer (long) hours.

(hững ngày này họ phải làm việc ngày càng nhiều giờ)

Dialogue 2

4 I think that the most important (important) quality is punctuality.

(Tôi nghĩ rằng phẩm chất quan trọng nhất là đúng giờ.)

5 You'll certainly be more popular (popular) if you can laugh at things.

(Chắc chắn bạn sẽ nổi tiếng hơn nếu bạn có thể cười vào mọi thứ.)

Dialogue 3

6 I think patience is less important than (important) physical courage.

(Tôi nghĩ tính kiên nhẫn ít quan trọng hơn sự mạnh về thể chất.)

7 Which do you think is the most useful (useful) quality of the three?

(Bạn nghĩ phẩm chất nào hữu ích nhất trong ba phẩm chất?) 

Read the Learn this! box. Underline the past modal verbs in the dialogue in exercise 1.Freya: I can't find my camera, Archie.Archie: There it is. It's under your bag. Why do you have to bring it to class?Freya: I must take it to my photography class today. By the way, I didn't understand that email you sent me yesterday.Archie: I didn't send any emails yesterday.Freya: Well, you might have sent it earlier. But I got it yesterday.Archie: I can't have sent you an email. My phone hasn't been...
Đọc tiếp

Read the Learn this! box. Underline the past modal verbs in the dialogue in exercise 1.

Freya: I can't find my camera, Archie.

Archie: There it is. It's under your bag. Why do you have to bring it to class?

Freya: I must take it to my photography class today. By the way, I didn't understand that email you sent me yesterday.

Archie: I didn't send any emails yesterday.

Freya: Well, you might have sent it earlier. But I got it yesterday.

Archie: I can't have sent you an email. My phone hasn't been working for a week.

Freya: Somebody must have used your account. The email had a link to a competition, but when I clicked on it, nothing happened.

Archie: Oh no! You shouldn't have clicked on the link. You've possibly downloaded some malware onto your phone.

Freya: That's terrible! You should have warned me earlier.

Archie: I didn't know! Anyway, you might not have downloaded anything. It's possible that you were lucky. You just need to wait and see.

Freya: Anyway, you need to warn your other friends. That email could have gone to everybody in your address book!

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives. Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine 'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at...
Đọc tiếp

Think about your daily life. Do you follow the same read to work every day? Do you sit in the same place in class? When you get dressed, do you always put the same leg or arm in first? You probably do, because we all have routines in our lives.

Routines save time and energy because you do them without thinking, that's why they are so important in the morning when your brain isn't active. Here's Jo talking about her morning routine

'Oh yes. I always do exactly the same things. I wake up at seven o'clock every morning, but I don't get quarter past seven. I switch on the radio and listen to the news. Then I go to the too and I brush my-teeth. I have a shower and dry my hair. Then I choose my clothes and I get dressed. I don'y eat anything for breakfast. I just have a cup of coffee. Then I go to work. Yes, it's always the same.'

Routines are very useful. but they also make you uncreative. So sometimes it's a good idea to break your routines. Get out of bed on the opposite side. Listen to a different route to work. Eat something different for brealfast. Change your routine. You never know, it could change your life.

1. This passage is mainly concerned with...............................

a.our usual ways of doing things

b. our daily activities

c. Jo's timetable

d. changes in our lives

2. according to the passage, routines are useful because.........................

a. we can do them in the morning

b. they make a habit of never thinking

c. they save time and energy

d. we all have them in our lives

3. the word 'loo' in line 9 can best be replaced with.....................

a. balcony

b. bedroom

c. sink

d. toilet

4.what is the main disadvantage of routines?

a. Routines make us unable to create things or to have new ideas

b. Routines may change our life

c. Routines make a habit of never thinking before doing

d. Routines make us do the same things day after day

5. which of the sentences is true?

a. Routines make our brain creative

b.people who have routines are unable to think

c. we shouldn'r break our routines

d. our lives could be changed if we change our routines

Bài 12: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.1.  I                     (have) a problem with my computer yesterday.2.  We                     (already see) that movie, but I will go with you again if you want me to.3.  We                     (be) in Tim's room when the storm                      (begin).4.  I                     (not begin) my homework yet.5.    He                     (not sleep) for three nights, even though he                     ...
Đọc tiếp

Bài 12: Put the verbs in the brackets into either the past simple or present perfect tense.

1.  I                     (have) a problem with my computer yesterday.

2.  We                     (already see) that movie, but I will go with you again if you want me to.

3.  We                     (be) in Tim's room when the storm                      (begin).

4.  I                     (not begin) my homework yet.

5.    He                     (not sleep) for three nights, even though he                      (go) to bed early yesterday evening.

6.  My father                     (never forget) my birthday.

7.  They                     (travel) around the world last summer.

8.  They                     (decide) this at a meeting some days ago.

9.                       (You ever be) to New York?

10.  I know Hanoi City well. I                     (live) there for three years when I was a student.

11.  Michael does not have much money so he                      (not buy) a car yet.

12.  We                     (have) a good time at the party last weekend.

13.  Look at that. Someone                     (break) my motorbike.

14.  Emily                     (just finish) packing her bags.

15.  The plane                      (land) ten minutes ago.

16.  I                     (do) all the housework. Everything is clean now.

17.  When                     (Columbus discover) the New World?

18.  We                     (not visit) him since last weekend.

19.  She feels great. She                     (lose) five pounds since Christmas.

The last time I             (play) tennis was four years ago

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete each of the sentences below. (2.0 p) 1. If a lot of shells (collect) __________________ on the beach, some (give) ___________________ to you. 2. It often (take) _____________ me half an hour or so (get)_____________ to the factory. Sometimes I manage to sleep on the bus. 3. How long (you/ learn) ______________________________ Spanish? 4. _______________you (use/ cry) ________________ when you were a child? 5. Soon after take-off,...
Đọc tiếp

II. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete each of the sentences below. (2.0 p)
1. If a lot of shells (collect) __________________ on the beach, some (give) ___________________ to you.
2. It often (take) _____________ me half an hour or so (get)_____________ to the factory. Sometimes
I manage to sleep on the bus.
3. How long (you/ learn) ______________________________ Spanish?
4. _______________you (use/ cry) ________________ when you were a child?
5. Soon after take-off, the hijackers (go) ________________ into the captain’s cabin and told him (fly)
_______________________ them to another destination.
6. My hometown (change) __________________ a lot since you first (come) __________ to visit it.
7. The man standing over there is very thin. I think If he (stop) _______________________ smoking,
he (get) _______________ fat.
8. I really regret that it happened. If only I (take) ________________________ his advice.
9. Lisa (meet) _______________ Brian a few weeks ago. He (just/ come) _______________________
back from holiday.
10. Will you lend me your season ticket? – No, I (not/ lend) ______________________ it to you. It is
against the law.
11. I’ve just enrolled at local technical college. I (attend) _______________________ pottery classes
next winter.
12. I have no objection to (carry) _____________________ out the plan.
13. But for her father’s assistance, she (pass) _____________________________ her driving test.
14. It is important that the order (cancel) ____________________________ immediately.

17 tháng 11 2023

1. came

2. would give

3. was

4. lived

5. was

6. would get

A: I wish my dad 1 came home.

(Tôi ước bố tôi về nhà.)

B:  Why?

(Tại sao?)

A:  Because he 2 would give us a lift into town if he 3 was here.

(Bởi vì bố sẽ cho chúng tôi đi nhờ xe vào thị trấn nếu bố ở đây.)


A:  If only you 4 lived near the town centre.

(Giá như bạn sống gần trung tâm thị trấn.)

B:  Why?

(Tại sao?)

A:  Because if your house 5 was near the centre, we 6 would get the same bus to school.

(Bởi vì nếu nhà của bạn ở gần trung tâm, thì chúng ta sẽ bắt cùng một chiếc xe buýt đến trường.)

give the correct form of verbs in brackets 1. At the airport I jad my luggave ( take ) .... by a pỏter 2. In thailan, Hongkong, Englan and some other countries, people are used to ( drive)..... on the left side 3. On the way, my father stopped ( buy) .....a newspaper and ( have)..... a drink 4. Jack is not tall e nough (reach)..... the ceiling 5. The bay didn't stop ( cry)....., so I tried ( give)..... him some sweets 6. The rive is too deep for us (dive)..... in 7. Your house needs...
Đọc tiếp

give the correct form of verbs in brackets

1. At the airport I jad my luggave ( take ) .... by a pỏter

2. In thailan, Hongkong, Englan and some other countries, people are used to ( drive)..... on the left side

3. On the way, my father stopped ( buy) .....a newspaper and ( have)..... a drink

4. Jack is not tall e nough (reach)..... the ceiling

5. The bay didn't stop ( cry)....., so I tried ( give)..... him some sweets

6. The rive is too deep for us (dive)..... in

7. Your house needs (repaint )..... because it loooks unattractive

8. My father is willing (do).....me a favor in my study

9.We saw the smoke (rise).....from the chimneys of the local factories in the distance

10. It's high time for the children(go)..... to bed

11. It's worth ( read).....the book

12. John is about ( come back )......in a few weeks

13.My classmates are bound (participate).....in the competition

14.Don't forget ( switch off) ..... the lights before leaving the building

15. The astronauts are likely (set).....foot on marsmin the future

16. I remember ( give).....back the money he lent me last month

17. He doesn't likethe croowded place, so there is no point in ( persuade0.....him (go)....with us

18. My mother is always busy (look after).... the children

19. The shop will be closed at 5p.m so you d' netter not ( arrive)..... after that time

20 I look forward to ( hear)..... fromm you soon